Denne uken er treneren Moffe Saqib

Denne uken er treneren Moffe Saqib

New week, next coach 💪

Mohammad Saqib

also called Moffe or Moffederer

Age💁‍♂️: 45

Position 👉: Tennis coach

Contact details✒️:, 942 77 400

Education🎓: Moffe was born in QDS, Pakistan and came to Norway at the age of 13. Schooling in Oslo, junior high, High School and the University of Oslo. He’s got a degree in Economics and Political Science.

Tennis experience🎾: He went to High School in Texas (1989-1990) and started playing tennis for the High School team. He became a member of OTK 2003. Edvard and Per Hegna were his private coaches in the beginning. He played for the third team at OTK and now he is just playing for fun.

Hobbies🏃‍♂️: Gym, football, American football, basketball, cricket and hanging out with friends.