Registration is open. Adult courses start 16/8, and children courses start 23/8. Do not create a new account in Matchi if you are either a member, has been on a course with us, or have had private lessons – use your existing account. Contact if you have any problems or questions.

Spring course for kids and adults

Spring course for kids and adults

OTK offers an additional 10-week spring course for all levels of play. We offer time slots for red, orange, green, yellow ball players and adults at different times throughout the week. It’s possible to play once or more times a week or as an additional hour for those who have been already participating in our regular courses. Prices depends on the age, membership and how many times per week you want to play.

Registration Matchi



We invite you to a minicamp on the outdoor courts in the easter holiday (March 29-31) unless new corona restrictions make it impossible. The camp is for players born between 2002 and 2014. You can sign up for 3 days.

Red practice between 09:00 and 10:30, 1,5 hours every day. Price 675,-

Orange/Green/Yellow practice between 09:00 and 13:00, 2 hours every day. The camp will be split into orange, green and yellow groups. The time for each player will be decided Friday 26 March.

The final decision whether there will be a camp or not (depending on number of registrations) will be made on Friday the 26th at 4 pm



OTK arranges minicamp for red, orange and green groups from Monday 21/12 to Wednesday 23/12.

Red and Orange 09:00-10:30 and Green 10:30-12:00. The price per player is 750, -. 

Registration is via Matchi under activities – remember to use your child’s Matchi account. Send an e-mail to OTK with the child’s name if you do not remember which e-mail you used in the child’s account. Registration deadline is Thursday 17/12 at 16:00

Important! Only for children born in 2008 and later!

We will build a new hall!

We will build a new hall!

Over the past year, there have been small drops of information from the club to the members about a permit received here, a complaint there, and a positive decision here. After 8 years of work, we have finally come so far that we can clearly say: Now we will build a tennis hall!

Construction of the tennis hall 

  • OTK received a permit this summer, and in September the County Governor rejected complaints about the permit. The county governor’s decision is final. In a short time
  • OTK will start on phase 1 of an interaction contract with the construction company Bundebygg. The goal of this phase is to design the tennis hall in detail and agree on a target price for the hall. The project will then apply for a start-up permit
  • The schedule for the demolition and construction start will be ready during the spring. Without making hasty promises, we assume the start of demolition sometime in the second or third quarter of 2021
  • It is expected that the construction period will be 15-18 months

Construction of houses on courts 11 and 12 

  • The 2017 annual meeting decided to sell these two courts plus some additional area (a total of approx. 3.3) to finance the new tennis hall
  • Oslo Municipality unanimously adopted a zoning plan for the site that allows a somewhat higher utilization rate than the original zoning
  • We have been through a lawsuit and an expropriation process with the County Governor and the Ministry of Local Government. Now the expropriation of the easement is final, and the buyer of the property can now build according to the zoning plan. Oslo District Court will decide how much OTK must pay in compensation to those who lose the right to sue the easement
  • This – in addition to public funds – means that the tennis hall is fully financed

Courses and bookings during the construction period

  • We are working on different options, and expect to get back to members with more information in the first quarter of 2021

Cooperation with Qualified solutions

Cooperation with Qualified solutions

«10 seconds of activity can give 10.000 kroner in the club’s coffers”

Oslo Tennisklubb has entered into an exciting cooperation project with our sponsor and partner Qualified Solutions that is not only giving OTK advantages, but is also giving the local businesses a positive contribution.

Through Qualified Solutions partner LeadX it is very easy for OTK members to register a sales lead for Qualified Solutions that will give cash back to the club.

Qualified Solution is a company that recruits to both temporary and permanent positions at management and staff levels.

You can therefore contribute to OTK no matter at what level your network is.

The cooperation works as follows:

If you know about a company in your network that needs extra manpower you use a few seconds to register this information through an app called LeadX360.

The tip rewards OTK with 200 NOK. If the tip leads to a meeting the club receives an additional 300 NOK, and if the tip leads to a recruitment assignment OTK will be compensated with a total of 10.000 NOK.

The club will also reward those that brings extra income to the club. On the 10th day of every month we will update a list of accumulated contributions to the club since startup. Everyone that has contributed 5000 NOK or more to the club will get a free private lesson. Every additional contribution of 5000 NOK will give a new private lesson. Hvordan komme i gang?

  1. Set aside 5-7 minutes to watch these videos:

Who is Qualified Solutions?

More information about LeadX

Why is this good for Oslo Tennisklubb?

  1. Registrer via this link:

and create your personal password

  1. Download LeadX360 at AppStore or PlayStore and log in with your email and your new password.
  2. You’re set to go!

We encourage all members to be agile in both your job and personal network, and use the app whenever you identify a need.

Use 10 seconds to post a tip, and Qualified Solutions will do the rest!

Thanks for contributing!