Welcome to the World of Tennis !

This competition is designed for the young players from our tennis school who are just starting to explore the wonderful world of tennis. Our goal is to create a fun, friendly, and supportive environment where everyone can play on equal terms and enjoy the game, regardless of skill level.

Beyond learning tennis, this competition is about embracing important values that will help you both on and off the court:

Camaraderie – Working together and supporting your fellow players.
Effort – Giving your best in every game and practice.
Respect – For your opponents, coaches, and the rules of the game.
Perseverance – Never giving up, even when things get tough.
Enthusiasm – Bringing energy and joy to every match.
Sportsmanship – Winning or losing with grace.
Education – Learning from every experience, improving your skills, and growing as a player.

We believe that through this competition, you’ll not only improve your tennis skills but also build lasting friendships and learn values that will serve you throughout life. Let’s have fun, learn together, and make every match count! 

Registration is done directly via Matchi

Please come on time so we can divide the children and start playing right away. The parents are allowed to be on the court to see the children play and take some photos. The children should bring their racquet, sport clothing, and some water. We will help them with the rules, counting, etc. The tournament will take about an hour. 

Please note! By signing up for this event you agree that we may take photos and videos of the children participating in the matches, practicing, and interacting with their peers. These images may be used on our school’s website, social media, and other promotional materials to highlight the fun, learning, and progress the children are making.

The hall project

The hall project
  • Hallprosjektet går for fullt. I mars og april er hovedaktivitetene spunting, etablering av peler langs spuntveggen, sømboring og bjelkestengsel, oppstart rørvegg, samt montering av puter og setting av  lissestag
  • Frem mot sommeren blir det også utgraving av tomten og støping av bunnplate

Summer camps

Summer camps

OTK organizes camps for children and adults in weeks 26, 27, 32 and 33
Please note that we only have 2 pitches available for the camps, and that construction activities are taking place on 2 sides of the pitches. The construction sites are fenced, so they therefore pose no danger to children. We will set up a tent next to the pitches where children and adults can stay in case of rain
For children, we have a maximum of 24 places per week, for adults we have 16. Priority is given to members
All registrants will be notified of a place about 4 weeks before the start of the camp
Registration during camp at
For children, there will be 2 hours of tennis every day plus activities such as mini golf, athletics, football, swimming, etc.
For children, the camp is at 09:00-15:00 every day (not 15-17 as we do not have a clubhouse available)


  • OTK arrangerer camper for barn og voksne i uke 26,27, 32 og 33
  • Vi gjør oppmerksom på at vi bare har 2 baner tilgjengelig for campene, og at det foregår bygge-aktiviteter på 2 sider av banene. Byggeplassene er inngjerdet, så de utgjør således ingen fare for barn. Vi kommer til å sette opp et telt ved siden av banene hvor barn og voksne kan oppholde seg i tilfelle regn
  • For barn har vi maksimalt 24 plasser pr. uke, for voksne har vi 16. Medlemmer prioriteres
  • Alle påmeldte får beskjed om plass ca 4 uker før campstart
  • Påmelding under camper på
  • For barn blir det 2 timer tennis hver dag pluss aktiviteter som minigolf, friidrett, fotball, bading, osv.
  • For barn er campen kl. 09:00-15:00 hver dag (ikke 15-17 da vi ikke har klubbhus tilgjengelig)

7-week course for children

7-week course for children

OTK has been allocated courts in Frognerparken this summer, and we want to offer a 7-week course for children and young people there
Time period 6 May – 20 June
For children and young people between the ages of 6 and 16
Every weekday between 15:00 and 20:00, 55 minute sessions
OTK members are given priority
Application deadline 24 April
Players who are already attending courses can also apply
Registration via Matchi

No. of players on court



4 or less



5 or more

