We will build a new hall!

We will build a new hall!

Over the past year, there have been small drops of information from the club to the members about a permit received here, a complaint there, and a positive decision here. After 8 years of work, we have finally come so far that we can clearly say: Now we will build a tennis hall!

Construction of the tennis hall 

  • OTK received a permit this summer, and in September the County Governor rejected complaints about the permit. The county governor’s decision is final. In a short time
  • OTK will start on phase 1 of an interaction contract with the construction company Bundebygg. The goal of this phase is to design the tennis hall in detail and agree on a target price for the hall. The project will then apply for a start-up permit
  • The schedule for the demolition and construction start will be ready during the spring. Without making hasty promises, we assume the start of demolition sometime in the second or third quarter of 2021
  • It is expected that the construction period will be 15-18 months

Construction of houses on courts 11 and 12 

  • The 2017 annual meeting decided to sell these two courts plus some additional area (a total of approx. 3.3) to finance the new tennis hall
  • Oslo Municipality unanimously adopted a zoning plan for the site that allows a somewhat higher utilization rate than the original zoning
  • We have been through a lawsuit and an expropriation process with the County Governor and the Ministry of Local Government. Now the expropriation of the easement is final, and the buyer of the property can now build according to the zoning plan. Oslo District Court will decide how much OTK must pay in compensation to those who lose the right to sue the easement
  • This – in addition to public funds – means that the tennis hall is fully financed

Courses and bookings during the construction period

  • We are working on different options, and expect to get back to members with more information in the first quarter of 2021