To OTK members 

The Norwegian Tennis Federation posted new and updated regulations for tennis play yesterday. Building on those rules, and with very strict guidelines OTK has decided on the following: 

  1. The rules concerning play for members of the same household will continue 
  2. Members who have no other tennis players in their household is allowed to play with another member in the same situation under the following terms: 
    • Both members must send a mail to before a court is booked and confirm that they are not ill, and that no member of their family is in quarantine or is ill 
    • Both members must be born 2002 or earlier 
    • Until the rules are changed they can only book courts and play with the selected opponent 
    • The balls shall be marked with letters, crosses or similar in different colours so that each player only picks up his or her balls, alternatively that each player have their own brand of balls (it is recommended to play with a glove on the hand you pick up the ball with) 
  3. The plastic dome is open for booking – only courts 3 and 7. Separate rules for the dome below 
  4. No show will result in 1-month loss of booking rights 
    • You must either cancel your booking in Matchi 1 hour before, or SMS Reidar on 916 33 299 if something urgent has happened. If you just don’t show up it is considered a no-show 

Send an SMS to 916 33 299 or a mail to if you’re uncertain about the rules. 

We wish all our members a happy Ester and remind you to follow the coronavirus rules so that we can get back to business as usual as soon as possible. 

Best Regards, 

The board and the administration of OTK 

Overall regulations 

  1. It is a prerequisite for play that you are not ill, and that the infection rules are being followed 
  2. The courts are open between 09:00 and 19:00 
  3. Players must either: 
    • Live under the same roof. Specifically: you cannot play with a family member that is not living in the same house as you 
    • Have agreed to play with another member as a regular playing partner, and informed OTK about this 
      • Both players must be born 2002 or earlier 
      • Both players must send a mail to before a court is booked and inform the club that they and their families are well, and not in quarantine 
      • You can only play with the selected partner until the rules are officially changed 
    • You can book courts to serve if you have no one to play with 
  4. The entire clubhouse is closed. It is not possible to fill water or throw garbage 
  5. No show will result in 1-month loss of booking rights 
    • You must either cancel your booking in Matchi 1 hour before or SMS Reidar on 916 33 299 if something urgent has happened. If you just don’t show up it is considered a no-show 
  6. OTK will monitor that the rules are being followed. A break of rules will result in 1-month loss of booking rights 

Court rules 

  1. Families can be up to 4 players on the court  
  2. Regular playing partners that are not living under the same roof shall be maximum 2 on the court, and follow the following rules: The balls shall be marked with letters, crosses or similar in different colours so that each player only picks up his or her balls, alternatively that each player have their own brand of balls (it is recommended to play with a glove on the hand you pick up the ball with) 
  3. Children born 2007 and later that is playing shall always have an adult member of their household present 
  4. The court shall be booked in Matchi in advance, no drop-in 
  5. The players shall not sit on the benches on the court, not touch equipment or pick up balls that are left on the court 
  6. The play shall stop 5 minutes before the full hour, and you shall leave the court as quickly as possible 
  7. All balls must be picked up before leaving the court 
  8. Arriving players must wait outside the court until the on-court players have left the court 
  9. It is recommended to bring antibac with you for washing hands before, during and after practice 
  10. It is not allowed to use the club’s balls 
  11. Do not spit on the courts! Do not spit snuff on the courts! 

Specifically for the plastic dome (other court rules are also in effect here) 

  1. You shall only play on court 3 and 7 
  2. You shall stop playing 5 minutes before the full hour, and you shall be out of the dome before the full hour 
  3. Players shall not enter the dome before the full hour 
  4. Maximum 2 players per court in the dome 
  5. The door will be cleaned daily, but we encourage all users of the dome to show extra caution. We strongly recommend not touching the door with your hands, but push the door open with your body. We appreciate you bringing disposable cloth and wipe the door if you have touched it with your hands