7-week course for children

7-week course for children

OTK has been allocated courts in Frognerparken this summer, and we want to offer a 7-week course for children and young people there
Time period 6 May – 20 June
For children and young people between the ages of 6 and 16
Every weekday between 15:00 and 20:00, 55 minute sessions
OTK members are given priority
Application deadline 24 April
Players who are already attending courses can also apply
Registration via Matchi

No. of players on court



4 or less



5 or more




Club championship 2023 – June 20 to June 24

Club championship 2023 – June 20 to June 24

We have to move the club championship to June since we’ll start building the new tennis arena in August. The tournament is played over 5 days, so that players participating in multiple classes don’t have to play many matches per day. The café will be open every afternoon that week. In addition to prizes, we’ll have giftcards and Head products. All u10 and u12 participants will get prizes



Come and try on Saturday, 11.6.2022, at 18:00, in Oslo Tennisklubb.
Free play, a clinic with certified coaches, and a great time!

Pickleball is the fastest-growing sport in America

Pickleball is a paddle sport with combined elements of tennis, badminton and ping pong, and played on a doubles badminton court. The net is similar to a tennis net, but is two inches lower. The game is played with a hard paddle that is similar to table tennis and usually made up of graphite or composite. The ball is comparable to a Wiffle ball.

The game can be played in either singles’ or doubles’ matches.

Pickleball grew in 2020 to 4.2 million players in the US, an incredible growth rate of 21.3% from 2019 per the Sports & Fitness Industry Association’s (SFIA) 2020 Pickleball Participant Report, released in Feb. 2021.

Pickleball is for everyone, and it’s a great family sport, too. “Anyone can play, from eight-year olds up to 100-year olds,” “It’s great for hand-eye coordination for younger kids.”

Health Benefits

Since pickleball moves at a slower pace than tennis, it’s easier on the joints while also improving balance, coordination and agility. This makes it a wonderful choice for those who have had injuries in the past, or former tennis players looking for a gentler alternative.

For new players, the basics of the sport are easy to learn. Typically, one session of three or four games is all that it takes.

Playing pickleball can boost your mood and overall mental health, you burn calories, and fewer injuries occur due to the low impact nature of the game. Pickleball specifically works on your balance and agility while it also offers the same benefits of other regular exercise. These include reducing your risk of heart attack and chronic disease, toning your muscles and increasing your energy.

Most of all, pickleball is a social sport where you will create friendship anywhere you play.

Join us! We play every Friday at 7 pm

Building values tournament

Building values tournament

OTK invites all kids in levels red, orange, green and yellow to participate in our Building values tennis tournament on the 12th of March. Vaffles are included for kids and parents can watch their kids directly on the court. This time we go all in one day! We have already sent invitations via Spond, so you can register directly there. We hope to see you all. 


Christmas in the club

Christmas in the club

The bubble is open all Christmas with normal opening hours. The rental price has been reduced to 150, – pr. hour for all hours between 24/12 and 2/1.

Outdoors courts 4, 6, 8 and 9 are open to all members as long as there is no snow on them. The courts can be slippery, so you play at your own risk and responsibility.

Reidar, Michael and Jakub have Christmas holidays 23/12 – 3/1. We respond to emails to post@oslotk.no also during the holidays, but we appreciate that you do not call us, unless it’s not absolutely necessary.

Coaches available for private lessons during Christmas:

  • Nenad Trifunovic
  • Charles Lai
  • other coaches may be available for limited periods

Coronavirus – rules as from December 15

Coronavirus – rules as from December 15

The following rules apply in the plastic dome and club house as from December 15:

Who can play?

  • all club members can book courts and play
  • only children can participate in courses
  • adults and kids can book private lesson. 1 player per court (up to 4 if all are from the same household)


  • No one with symptoms of Covid-19 infection, including fever, respiratory symptoms, or other symptoms that may indicate Covid-19 infection, may play or stay at facilities associated with OTK until clarified by a doctor no Covid-19 infection
  • No person with a previously proven Covid-19 infection can play or stay at facilities associated with OTK before being cleared by a doctor
  • No persons with imposed home isolation or quarantine may play or stay at facilities associated with OTK until the period has expired
  • Normal infection control rules apply with no physical contact (always applies and also outside OTK’s facility), frequent hand washing and 1-meter distance (except inside the household

Playing in the plastic dome:

  • All courses, private lessons, subscription lessons, team training and regular course bookings must end games 5 minutes before full time. Balls are picked up, and you should be out of the court before the full hour
  • Everyone who enters the court – regardless of activity – must wait until a full hour to enter
  • It is possible to wait upstairs in the fireplace room in the clubhouse if you arrive early
  • Wash your hands with antibac when you enter and leave the plastic dome
  • All adults shall wear mask at all times in the plastic dome, except when playing

Wardrobe and toilets

  • The wardrobes are open so that you can change clothes and use the sink and toilets. No more than 3 people in the wardrobe at the same time, so try being effective. It’s best if you can change before you arrive.
  • The showers are closed

Christmas party – cancelled

Christmas party – cancelled

Unfortunately, the infection situation in Oslo has developed in the wrong direction. We have therefore decided to cancel this year’s Christmas gift game.
This does not mean that the children lose the opportunity to play for Christmas presents – we will carry out the Christmas gift game in small groups at the regular training sessions in December