Kids Tennis introduces the sport of tennis in a fun and interactive way and ensures immediate success for young players.
...Kids Tennis introduces the sport of tennis in a fun and interactive way and ensures immediate success for young players.
In our OTK’s kids tennis lessons the participants will develop hand-eye coordination along with movement skills. Our group lessons are a great way for your child to work on fundamentals and teamwork. Students grow comfortable which the age-appropriate equipment and learn the parts of the tennis court. Skills are developed much quicker, allowing for an easy transition to full court. Basic tennis fundamentals and shots are taught through lots of tennis drills and games!
Classes are available by ability from beginner to advanced, always after school.
New as from Autumn 2022: We’re offering classes for kids in the first and second grade courses Tuesdays and/or Thursdays from 4 to 5 pm. Please specify that you want this in the registration.
We are dividing kids into several groups:
Difference between them, description and age recommendations you can see below:
Kindergarten tennis is our program for the smallest 5 and under, where we introduce to the kids all kinds of
...Kindergarten tennis is our program for the smallest 5 and under, where we introduce to the kids all kinds of skills needed to enjoy playing tennis. The main focus of this program is to teach the kids some motor and coordination skill necessary for future development as a tennis player. Using the low pressured RED balls and small rackets will help the kids to progress faster to reach their goal while having FUN. Every lesson includes warm-up exercises, motor, and coordination skills exercises and a FUN game bringing all these skills together.
Class Duration: 45 min
Material: Racket 19”-21”, agility ladder, cones, foam balls, red low-pressure balls, mini net, lines, circles….
- Warm up exercises
- All kinds of movement including
the most parts of the body to prevent injuries - Motor skills: footwork, agility, balance and speed exercises
- Coordination skills: ball eye coordination exercises, racket and ball exercise
- Game: variations of game using all kinds of skills while having FUN
Time: 8:00 – 8:45
RED LEVEL TENNIS is for players aged 8 and under. It is played on small courts with short rackets and soft
...RED LEVEL TENNIS is for players aged 8 and under. It is played on small courts with short rackets and soft balls. It’s just like the real game and gives players opportunities to have long rallies and play different types of shots.
Red level tennis is divided into 3 different stages:
- Red 1
- Red 2
- Red 3
Class duration: 45 min
Material: R
- 15 min motor skills, warm up
- 15 min coordination skills
- 15 min games, mini tennis
Our objective for this level is to focus on developing motor and coordination skills of the player, introducing some basic abilities like the grip, footwork, under arm serve etc. and basic rules, counting, names of the lines etc. necessary to enjoy the game of tennis. All these exercises are performed in small groups on different stations, so the player can keep focusing at one thing at the time while having FUN. They will start playing mini tennis on a small court
We prepare our players to compete on Red level 1
Time: Monday-Thursday 14.15-15.00
Friday 16.00-17.00
Class duration: 45 min
Material: R
- 15 min motor skills, warm up
- 15 min coordination skills
- 15 min games, mini tennis
Our objective for this level is to continue to focus on developing motor and coordination skills, introducing some basic technique of different strokes like forehand, backhand, volley and serve. Working on some footwork, body positioning and including some of the consistency exercises. (keeping the ball in play).
All these exercises are performed in reduced groups on different stations so the player can keep focusing on one thing at the time while having FUN.
These players will start playing mini tennis on a small court preparing to compete on RED level 2 tournaments.
Time: Monday-Thursday 14.15-15.00
Friday 16.00-17.00
Class duration; 45 min
Material: Racket 19’’- 23’’, agility ladder, cones, lines, circles, mini tennis nets, red balls, jumping rope…
- 20 min warm up, ball-eye-racket coordination
- 10 min tennis drills, forehand, backhand, volley and serve
- 15 min games, mini tennis, competitions
Our objective for this level is to focus on developing the correct technique, playing skills but still continuing to improve motor and coordination skills.
The players will learn the rules of the game, basic strategies and by feeding drills they work on their technique, developing the topspin and overhead serve. They will become more independent and comfortable on the court.
All these exercises are performed in reduced groups on different stations so the player can keep focusing on one thing at the time while having FUN.
These players will start playing mini tennis on a small court preparing to compete on RED level 3 tournaments.
Time: Monday-Thursday 14.15-15.00
Friday 18.00-19.00
Mini Tennis Orange is a great way for players to continue their progress from Mini Tennis Red and is for players aged
...Mini Tennis Orange is a great way for players to continue their progress from Mini Tennis Red and is for players aged 8 and 9. It is played with shorter rackets, softer balls and courts are bigger and wider than the red stage but still smaller than full-size tennis courts allowing players to develop a rounded game whilst learning a range of techniques and tactics.
It is the next stage before playing on a full-sized court and helps players develop different shots and tactics.
Class duration: 60 min
Material: R
- 15 min motor skills, warm up
- 20 min coordination skills, drills
- 25 min tennis, games, serve
In this level the player will keep developing his/her fundamental skills and learn to be dynamic, attentive and alert. We will also work on technical part like a good acquisition of forehand and backhand grip, turning/rotation of the trunk right after split step, follow through higher than the contact point, compact backswing before hitting the ball, racket head acceleration with the arm and lower arm/ wrist action, hitting the ball in front of the body and following through. There will be focus on various forms of footwork such as open, semi open or square stances depending on situation/ tactic, good control of balance by using different stances and various forms of recovery according to situation. There will be a focus on serve technique.
By playing a lot of tennis and tennis games they will work on consistency, (keeping the ball in play), on how and where to place the ball, (tactic), and they will learn how to count and important tennis rules necessary for taking part in any kind of tournament.
We will prepare them to participate on ORANGE tour tournaments.
Monday and Wednesday 15.00-16.00
Tuesday and Thursday 15.00-16.00
Friday 16.00-17.00
Tennis Green is a great way for players to continue their progress from Mini Tennis Orange. It is played on a full
...Tennis Green is a great way for players to continue their progress from Mini Tennis Orange. It is played on a full size tennis court, with bigger rackets and balls which are a little softer than yellow balls. It’s the next stage before moving on to full compression yellow balls on a full sized court and helps players develop and improve all aspects of their game.
Class duration: 60 min
Material: Rackets 26”- 27”, green balls, agility ladder, lines, cones, circles,
- 15 min motor skills, coordination skills, warm up
- 20 min drills
- 25 min tennis, games, serve
In this level the player will keep developing his/her fundamental skills and learn to be dynamic, attentive and alert. We will also work on technical part like a separation of the upper body and lower body according to the stance used, racket head lower to give more spin, more racket head acceleration with the arm and lower arm/wrist action, at the end of the backswing, the balance should be forward according to the stance and target, good understanding of a 1stand 2ndserve difference and how to use it, follow through according to the spin applied and tactical objective. Our green tennis program includes the tennis fitness where the players will work on their strength, agility, flexibility and speed necessary for further tennis development. We will also interduce them to strategies and tactics of double.
By playing a lot of tennis and tennis games they will work on consistency, (keeping the ball in play), on how and where to place the ball, (tactic), and they will learn how to count and important tennis rules necessary for taking part in any kind of tournament.
We will prepare them to participate on GREEN TOUR tournaments.
Monday and Wednesday 16.00-17.00
Tuesday and Thursday 16.00-17.00
Friday 17.00-18.00
Yellow level is for players aged 12 and over. It is played on a full tennis court, with full size rackets and
Yellow level is for players aged 12 and over. It is played on a full tennis court, with
Class duration: 60 min
Material: Rackets 27”, green balls, agility ladder, lines, cones, circles,
- 15 min motor skills, coordination skills, warm up
- 20 min drills
- 25 min tennis, games, serve
The players will develop the skills they have learned at red, orange and green ball and add in some matchplay.We will also work on technical part like a separation of the upper body and lower body according to the stance used, racket head lower to give more spin, more racket head acceleration with the arm and lower arm/wrist action, at the end of the backswing, the balance should be forward according to the stance and target, good understanding of a 1stand 2ndserve difference and how to use it, follow through according to the spin applied and tactical objective. Our yellow tennis program includes the tennis fitness where the players will work on their strength, agility, flexibility and speed necessary for further tennis development. We will also interduce them to strategies and tactics of double.
By playing a lot of tennis and tennis games they will work on consistency, (keeping the ball in play), on how and where to place the ball, (tactic), and they will learn how to count and important tennis rules necessary for taking part in any kind of tournament.
We will prepare them to participate on YELLOW TOUR tournaments.
Monday and Wednesday 17.00-18.00
Tuesday and Thursday 17.00-18.00
Friday 18.00-19.00
For all kids participating in our fitness courses. Lessons are situated before or after tennis lesson in groups up to
For all kids participating in our fitness courses. Lessons are situated before or after tennis lesson in groups up to 8 kids.
Is a part of kids courses which we recommend to take for all kids, who are playing tennis 2 and more times a week. We have different options for kids’ fitness starting from orange level, green level and ending with yellow performance level.
Our objective is to improve your child’s balance,
Each class consists of different fitness elements; warm up, stretch, challenges, skills, circuits, obstacle courses, team activities
Throughout the classes we use lots of equipment including balance beams, steps, hurdles, tunnels, tumble mats, balls, beanbags, cones and limbo polls. Every class has the same outline but no two classes are the same as we go with the needs of the groups, the space, the equipment and the overall feel of the group.
We adapt to suit everyones needs.
We have developed many themes, programs and activities to bring kids on a fitness journey from simple movements to challenging their balance and coordination.
Fitness F feeling good I interested in your life T trying to improve N never feeling bored E energetic S sleep is good for you S stay fit and be happy |
NOT SURE WHAT SPORT WOULD BE PERFECT FIT FOR YOUR CHILD? Do you want to make your children better movers?
Do you want to make your children better movers?
Multi Skills is a new and unique method that drives children to develop their motor skills for life and any sport.Multi Skills delivers intense movement trainings full of joy and interaction.
Trough out this course kids will try and learn all kinds of movements that develop their coordination, agility, balance, speed, strength and flexibility necessary for all kinds of sport.
Why to join the Multi Skills course? Benefits:
1. Increases long-term participation in sport
Making children aware of the many different physical requirements of playing sports and physical activity may lead them to take responsibility for their own physical development and preparation as they get older.
2. Transfers abilities to other sports
Physical skills, decision-making ability and other positive attributes can be developed through multi-skills coaching and can be used if, or when, children transfer to another sport.
3. Improves sporting performance
Improved fundamentals of movement such as running mechanics, quicker direction changes and a more stable base will improve performance in almost any sport in the long-run.
Multi-skills sessions can develop flexibility, core stability, strength, stamina, power and speed and provide all-round physical conditioning.
4. Injury prevention
Multi-skills sessions can reduce the risk of injuries such as repetitive strains and an imbalance in muscular development.
5. Inclusion: Everyone can be involved
By incorporating multi-skills activities coaches can ensure that there is an opportunity for the less-dominant players to achieve success. In particular, many balance and coordination activities don’t have external interference such as racing an opponent or being tackled and can allow a youngster time to develop their movement skills.
6. Re-engages people no longer playing sport
We believe that a multi sports approach can re-engage the 16-25 year old age group that have dropped out of sport. They recognise the multiple benefits of running multi-sport sessions.
During 2024-2025 OTK will offer only members the opportunity to book private lessons. This is due to capacity constraints indoor.
During 2024-2025 OTK will offer only members the opportunity to book private lessons. This is due to capacity constraints indoor.
Private lessons are booked by contacting one of the coaches directly (club info/coaches).
The coach will book the court and the club will invoice you for the private session afterward.
Private lessons not cancelled at least 24 hours in advance will be invoiced. Price per hour includes court rental and ball use.
- 2 players on the court: 150,-
- 3 players on the court: 300,-
- 4 players on the court: 450,-
2025 SEASON Winter and Spring semester (Jan-Jun 2025) Start Monday 6 JanuaryNo course– week 8 (17-23 February)– Easter (14 – 21
...2025 SEASON
Winter and Spring semester (Jan-Jun 2025)
Start Monday 6 January
No course
– week 8 (17-23 February)
– Easter (14 – 21 April)
– 1 May, 29 May, 9 June
Last course day Friday 20 June
Autumn semester (Aug-Dec 2025)
Start Monday 25 August
No courses
– week 40 (29 September – 5 October)
Last course day Friday 19 December
All autumn semester participants automatically have a place in the winter and spring semester. Those who want to quit after the autumn semester must send an email to kurs@oslotk.no by 10/12.
Prices 2025 Kids The prices are for 1 practice per week. Each lesson is 45 minutes. Groups with 4 children
...Prices 2025 Kids
The prices are for 1 practice per week. Each lesson is 45 minutes. Groups with 4 children or less or with more than 45 minutes lessons have different prices. There’s a 10% discount for the third lesson per week.
Category | Winter and Spring 2025 | Autumn 2025 | ||
Time period | 6/1 - 20/6 | 25/8 - 19/12 | ||
Member | Non-member | Member | Non-member | |
Kindergarten tennis | 3685,- | 4530,- | 2680,- | 3300.- |
Red 1,2 og 3 | ||||
Multi-skills | ||||
Orange, Green and Yellow | 3825,- | 4640,- | 2785,- | 3375,- |
Fitness | ||||
Registration Course registration for 2025/26 opens Friday May 2. It is still possible to sign up for the 2024/25 courses
Course registration for 2025/26 opens Friday May 2. It is still possible to sign up for the 2024/25 courses
How to register for courses at OTK:
- Follow the link below to register via “Matchi“
- If you are a memberor have attended courses earlier: “Log in”. Press the OTK logo on the left. Scroll down until you reach the course you want and choose the course. Fill out and submit the form.
- If you are not a memberor have attended courses earlier: “Register”. You will be sent a registration email to the email address you just provided. Follow the link in the email you receive. Log in with your email address and password you have chosen. Write “Oslo Tennis” under “Find building, city”. Select “Smash”. Select “Favorite”. Press the OTK logo on the left. Scroll down until you reach the course you want and choose this. Fill out and submit the form.
Important: In the registration form it says “Personal number”. Do not use your social security number, use date of birth (ddmmyy)
Prioritization: Members, former course participants, new course participants